Know-Your-Rights Workshops -
Our members are holding Know-Your-Rights sessions, where community members can learn about their constitutional rights when interacting with ICE. Everyone has constitutional rights, regardless of immigration status.
NJAIJ Know-Your-Rights 'Train the Trainer' -
The New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice (NJAIJ) has launched its "Train the Trainers" program to prepare leaders and organizers on best practices and standards for running Know-Your-Rights workshops in their communities. The training will teach trainers how to facilitate conversations and provide information to community members on their rights when interacting with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and local police. Learn how to run a public education workshop on constitutional rights, the current state of immigration policy, preparing families, and engaging communities in advocacy. Leaders and Organizers will learn how to run dynamic and interactive workshops, with a focus on role-playing exercises that provide community members with the tools they need to prepare and organize.
This training was created for community leaders and organizers. Individual community members who need to learn their rights can attend a Know-Your-Rights Workshop (information above) facilitated by advocates in their communities. This curriculum works in collaboration with the efforts of grassroots organizations who are already organizing and preparing communities around pro-immigrant policies and community actions.
If there are any requests for a training, questions or concerns pertaining to this event, or if there is a need for translations for an upcoming training, please email us [email protected].
The NJAIJ has created Know-Your-Rights cards for community members. If you would like to place an order to have printed cards shipped to you, please email with your request; total number of cards, languages, address, etc. Please note that printed cards come at a cost to non-members. Cost information is available below:
Know-Your-Rights Cards -
Our members have cards available at their events, but if an event is not happening near you, don't forget to carry a card with you. You can download the cards in eleven languages here:
English, Spanish, Portuguese, Urdu, Hindi, Gujarati, Arabic, Tagalog, French, French Creole, Korean
The New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice would like to extend our thanks to those who supported with the translations of our Know-Your-Rights cards. A very special thanks to the volunteers at 'Lives in Translation' at Rutgers University, Park IP Translations and all other volunteers and advocates who made this project possible.
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