What grounds you in immigrant justice work?
Growing up with an immigrant family is the driving force of everything I do today. I have seen the struggles they have faced as well as how hard they have worked to give me everything they possibly could. It’s motivating to know that above all, NJAIJ fights for families like mine.
What is your favorite NJAIJ memory?
My favorite memory at NJAIJ has to be the entirety of Advocacy Academy. We had been planning for it so much that actually being in it was a bit surreal. It was really fun to connect with everyone, but also very necessary to have the discussions and panels we did. I’m still so proud of all of us and I can’t wait for the next one.
What is your favorite movie?
One of my favorite movies of all time is Bong Joon-ho's Parasite (2019). It’s a drama, horror/thriller, and comedy (yes all of those) about social inequality and wealth disparity, what's not to love?!
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